Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update: June 8th

  1. Added a few new posts to "In the Life" blog. 
  2. I went through four years worth of school notebooks and ripped out everything I thought was a worthy sketch. I'm going to be uploading these over the course of .....a long time. Some of these date back to my 7th grade year.
  3. Added a new link to my Favorite Sites called Optimistic Tommy. It's an online comic done by some close friends. It's pretty funny. I might do some fan art of their characters if I get the time and motivation.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Update: June 2

  1. I've set up the layouts for all of the other pages/blogs connected to this main blog. They even have their own personal headers which, thankfully, didn't take a whole lot of time.
  2. Updated the "In the Life" page.
  3. I'm going to begin the process of uploading my old art/scraps/sketches onto it's respective page. I'll have more time to do this after Graduation which is taking place tomorrow on June 3rd. Yeah!!! No More High School. . . just college.